Alas, the new year has come again.
That means going back to boarding school, but it also means new posts! I have a tendency not to post during break. And for that, I am dearly sorry!
But now I've gone back, and so you will be hearing more of me. 
I thought it appropriate to start off going back with a craze of Boarding School! Okay, so craze might be a bit too much... Okay! A LOT too much. If you think school is hard, try going to boarding school! But it is also super fun! So, let's begin.

I've named each academy after a famous person. Hope you enjoy!
Note: Any similarity between the names any any real boarding school is entirely unplanned.

Uniform for Wordsworth Academy:

1 boater hat
2 regulation cardigan
3 regulation blouses
3 regulation navy skirts
1 pair regulation boots
All students must have hair pulled back for lessons.

Uniform for Churchill Boarding School:

1 rain hat
1 rain coat
3 plaid regulation dresses
3 regulation leggings
1 pair regulation boots

Uniform for Emily Dickinson Academy:
3 regulation overdresses
3 regulation underdresses
1 pair regulation boots
All pupils must have their hair pulled away from their face during lessons.

Uniform for Queen Victoria Boarding School:

3 regulation blouses
3 regulation jumpers
1 regulation belt
6 pairs regulation socks
1 pair regulation shoes

Now, my personal favorite (mainly because it reflects mine):
Uniform for Queen Elizabeth Academy:

3 regulation blazers
3 regulation dresses
6 pairs regulation tights
1 regulation necktie
1 pair regulation shoes
All students must have hair pulled away from face during school hours.

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